Accreditation 2022-27

 IES Elexalde BHI has received the Erasmus+ Accreditation 2022-2027 in School Education. This Accreditation has been granted by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE); belonging to the Ministry of Universities.

This Erasmus+ Accreditation allows the students and teachers of the IES Elexalde BHI to participate in European educational projects between 2022-27 by observing different methodologies from different European schools and students' mobilities. Thus, the students develop their linguistic competence and at the same time they know the culture of other countries; in addition, the Elexalde teaching staff will also be able to come into contact with other work methodologies that will improve the quality of teaching. 

Under this Erasmus+ Accreditation, some long-term objectives will be developed. This Accreditation is implemented in the teaching-learning processes and in the organizational character in the educational school.

Therefore, the objectives that are designed in the Erasmus + plan are to promote internationalisation in the school, reinforce the use of ICTs in an active and inclusive way, raise awareness of the environment, cultivate values ​​such as citizenship, volunteering and cooperation, be aware of our Historical Memory reinforcing democratic values. Our students are responsible for their learning process and will improve their English.

Under the granting of the Erasmus+ Accreditation, the students of IES Elexalde BHI  will take part in the activities organised by  three  European schools, in Berlin (Germany), Warsaw (Poland) and Serbia. Besides, two teachers will take  part in a job shadowing in Warsaw, they  will learn about the  different methodologies the school in Warsaw develops to be able to later incorporate them in Elexalde high school. All this supposes a guarantee of quality for the school, since the adoption of good practices under the Erasmus + project improves the reality of the participating schools and in turn it reinforces the paths towards the internationalisation of the IES Elexalde BHI school  which  already started it under  the project also Erasmus + K229 "Discover and share your identity mark" 2018-2021. During the current academic year 2022-2023, the IES Elexalde BHI  will develop the project on democracy.  In this project, our students together with students from the three schools in Warsaw, Berlin and Serbia, will work on activities related to being active citizens. As part of the activities proposed, our 3 dbh ( ESO) students will also work on volunteer activities with local associations. In the subject project for the community, they will  know the democratic cultural heritage of ancient Greece, which united us through the exchange of experiences, to acquire universal values ​​and principles.

Concesión de la acreditación

Diploma of the Acreditation                                                   

End of the project  2022-1ESO1-KA121-SCH-000059444

Groups of Erasmus since the beginning of the Acreditation