
 May   2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

The commemoration event for the 87th anniversary of the Galdakao bombing  which  had the worst consequences fotr our town 

Our Elexalde High School within our Erasmus project about historic memory joins Galdakao City Hall 

in his 87th commemoration of the Galdakao bombing .

On 16th May 2024 Sunday marks 87 years since the bombing that had the worst consequences in Galdakao.

During the Civil War Galdakao suffered at least 28

bombings, and on May 19th, 1937 killed 16 citizens when they were hit by a dropped at the entrance to the Plazakoetxe shelter by planes under Franco

That is why May 19th is an important day for the people from Galdakao. Therefore the City Council has organized, as usual, a commemorative

event for the anniversary.

The mayor, Iñigo Hernandez said about the bombing:

 "For me, personally, it is very difficult to imagine the time of war and specifically that day in Plazakoetxe, right here. Those people were in the street, not knowing what was coming. Suddenly, that day in 1937, the bombs and fire destroyed this area. Surely, people would be running, scared, screaming and not knowing where to go. enter the shelter behind me. Others, perhaps, motionless, scared and blocked. Galdakao in that time  was a different town, with small houses, where about 7,000 people lived and almost all of them knew each other. Galdakao changed forever just like the bombings changed Otxandio, Durango, Eibar or Gernika forever " 

May   2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

During the week of May 15th to 17th, two teachers from the Szkola Podstawowa school in Warsaw ( Poland) had the opportunity to do a Job Shadowing at our Elexalde BHI High School. 

Job ShadowingI ES Elexalde BHI

An approach to the Basque educational system

Last year, two teachers from our high school traveled to Poland to the Szkola Podstawowa school (Warsaw) to learn how the Polish system works and what methodology could be applied in our IES Elexalde high school to improve its quality.

Now it was the Polish school that visited us. They were five very interesting days of learning. During the weekend they were shown in Urdaibai, Gernika and Bilbao. We reflected on the two educational systems, the Polish and the Basque one.

 At the same time, we showed Polish teachers the projects that IES Elexalde carries out. They also observed the methodology of projects in the Spanish and English language lessons in different secondary schools. At the same time, they were able to see how spoken English is worked through debates and in a playful way in the Speaking subject.

We also showed them the multidisciplinary project Egypt carried out by the students of the first year of  Secondary School in all subjects and finally,  they learned how to work with students from other countries who join the Basque educational system.

It was a very fruitful shadowing job and welook forward to future collaborations.

Aptril  2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

Our  Erasmus  students and some ecodelegates are preparing a solidarity market. From 15th April to 3rd May  they will be collecting different objects that students will bring to the high s

Some students from Erasmus + and some eco delegates  are preparing a solidarity market, with two objectives. The first one is to recycle and reuse things that we don't use, and the second is to earn money for associations and help people.

Elexalde, Andra Mari, Bengoetxe and Eguzkibegi high schools (those schools are the ones that are located in our city Galdacano) will take care of the different stands of the market, Elexalde is going to ask permission from the city hall and ask for objects to elaborate the market, like chairs, tables…

From 15th April to 3rd  May eco-delegates will collect different objects (clothes, accessories,perfumes, books, video games, toys…) and things that students will bring to the high school.Then, some eco-delegates will classify the collected objects in different sections to know if they are  useful and can be used. 

On 17th May during school hours some teachers and eco delegates will go to the city hall square and will prepare all the stands with the second hand objects so locals can buy them.

When the market finishes, we will collect all the money and we will donate it to the solidarity refrigerator.

The solidarity refrigerator started in Galdacano, on 29th  April 2015 and is used to save food, and give it to people who need it.

After Galdacano city hall tested for a month, they realized that the Solidarity Refrigerator was achieving the goals set, and they saved about 300 kg of food that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill every month.

Actually, the solidarity refrigerator is growing up. There are more than 20 refrigerators in different points of the country: Euskadi, Toledo, Valencia, Zaragoza, Galicia, Barcelona, Madrid… . Other countries, like Mexico, Chile and Argentina are interested in collaborating with this association.

Therefore, our collaboration in the solidarity refrigerator will be a good opportunity for us to share it with the locals who will need it. And the solidarity market will provide us the opportunity to help people that don’t have much money

   March     2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

Our  Erasmus  students started their mobility to Mattei institute Caserta ( Italy) , seven days of  a unique experience in which they learnt about Italian culture.

The students who participated in the Caserta Mobility had 

   March     2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

The Erasmus students honour the women of Galdakao

students who participated in the Caserta Mobility had 

   March     2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

The coordinator of the project and the English teacher attended a course in Dublin " Maximising Digital Competence in Teaching and Learning

The students who participated in the Caserta Mobility had an English course so that they could feel more comfortable 

   March     2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

Erasmus students before their mobility attended an English course so that they could feel more comfortable to use it with the Italian families

The students who participated in the Caserta Mobility had an English course so that they could feel more comfortable when they had to use it in Italy.

First, they were given real situations which they will have to face to speak in English. Situations with the Italian families,  with whom they lived , in which they were capable of talking about themselves, their families, hobbies, their country, if they were ill , they needed something.

They were also talked about themselves in their schools, their favourite subject, their school sharing and comparing the information with the Italian students. 

Informal conversations among friends .

To end, as they had prepared some geniallies on Italian history, currency, cuisine, geography, curiosites, Caserta and Mattei school, they talked about it.

   February    2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

The students of Elexalde high school with Sagarra organitation´s help placed some sensors in Galdakao town and at the school to measure NO2 emisions 

Our daily activities, especially how we move, affect air quality. In the combustion processes of cars, nitrogen dioxide, NO2, is produced, among others. This gas is irritating and can cause chronic damage to the respiratory system (asthma, allergies), causing illness and death in the most serious cases. The environmental group Sagarra has launched a campaign to measure NO2 concentrations in the air (in order to improve the mobility plans of municipalities) within the framework of the European project "GreenScent, Smart Citizen Education for a green future" . The schools of Basauri, Galdakao and Etxebarri participate in the project. On February 6 we took the first step: installing passive sensors in strategic locations in Galdakao to measure NO2 levels.

   February    2024

2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 ll

The students must reflect on the waste left in the playground.  That is why each group is in charge of collecting the waste generated by students in the school yard

We would like our students to be aware that the common spaces of our school belong to all of us and theefore, we have to keeep them clean to continue being a nice place.

That is why each time a group is in charge of collecting the waste generated by students in the school yard.

In the images 2 DBH-ESO  students are cleaning the playground.

short video.mp4

   February    2024


Two students from 4 DBH and three students from 1 Bachiller participated in the EYP regional conference  in Bilbao. One of them was chosen for the EYP national conference Valencia 2024

   February    2023


Four of ourstudents partcipated in the"pleno" Plenary Session of Galdakao Town Council and they learnt how to be active citizens. They brought a proposal from Elexalde school about the paper recycling.

At the municipal plenary session, the students explained to all the political.parties which participated in it that at Elexalde high school we organise several campaigns to reduce waste: the paper campaign and the hamaiketako ( lunch) campaign, therefore, it is impossible not to generate garbage.

But then it  comes the second step: taking it to be recycled. They added that both in the schoolyard  and inside we have containers of different colors to classify the garbage and that, here comes the problem, they have seen that both the schoolyard cleaners and the interior cleaners throw everything away at the same time. They  only come to the school to pick up paper once a week, but no, plastic.

The students' request  was to  talk to the cleaning services in order to organize the recycle of the different material without being necessary to mix them, so that all the process has sense.


   December    2023


Our school promotes environmental care and healthy eating habits through the creation of a school garden where the students of 2 ESO participated 

FAO maintains that school gardens are a very useful learning platform to improve student education and nutrition and, at the same time, promote environmental conservation and the social and physical well-being of the educational community.

We have to take into account that in industrialized countries, intensive agriculture and current eating habits have increasingly harmful effects on our health and the environment.

Therefore, with school gardens we can face  these problems that threaten today's society: food insecurity and climate change. To do this, it is necessary to promote habits that improve health, such as healthier eating, and good nutritional, agricultural and environmental education that makes teenagers be aware of the need to change things, since  their future actions and measures will be of great importance. School gardens should be aimed at  Providing practical nutrition lessons that encourage the production and consumption of healthy foods and a lifestyle.

• Educating in environmental sensitivity, contributing to the sustainability of the planet through the inclusion of environmental and ecological training

.• Improving the diet and a source of healthy, natural and varied food, important for the physical and mental development of teenagers.

There is nothing more satisfying for the student than seeing that with his own physical and intellectual work he is making vegetables grow where there was only grass or sand, and also eating them at the end of the process. 


December    2023


Three students from 1 Batx interviewed the Mathematic teachers on sustainabiliy because he is one of our eco-teachers who comes to school by bicycle.

Hello everyone. Today we are here with Lander Goiri. Lander is a Maths teacher in Elexalde high school. He has gained a lot of popularity among students and teachers because he usually comes to the high school by bike. Hello, Lander.

Hello, good morning.

Before getting into the bicycle related topics, we would like to ask you some questions about your job. For example, what made you think that studying science was the best option?

Well , basically… I didn’t like letters, I used to hate studying stumps of information and I had an advantage in sciences, so I just kept studying that. And I studied engineering. Why? I actually don’t know. That day and age you had to study something and get a degree by choosing it almost blindfolded, without knowing anything about it. Later I managed well in the subject, and that was the main reason for me to go on studying science.

Did you enjoy the studying process during both your high school and university years, although sometimes science can be hard to study?

Yeah, well… that’s what studies are, aren’t they? Either letters or science, any of both are really hard and challenging. People often say that “students live so well”, how well they live, do they? Sure, a student who doesn’t study might live easily, but a student who studies hard has to go through a tough life filled with exams and projects… I believe that studies are very hard. I had many good times with my colleagues but I had to go through moments of loneliness just studying, although it’s worth it.

It is well known by all of us that it takes a lot of time and effort to come by bike to Elexalde. How do you organize and mentalize yourself for this daily challenge?

Actually, it just takes me 5-10… 5 minutes more to come here by bike than by car, in fact, traffic jams are really often created and a lot of time is wasted even if coming by car is more comfortable. When I come by bike I don’t have that kind of problem. And I come pleasantly every morning this way, although when it is Winter it is harder for me to do so.

At the same time, students wonder what’s the main reason behind this way of acting. Is it for environmental purposes, health purposes, sports purposes… or any other?

Well, on the one hand, I’d rather come to my workplace or to anywhere else by bike because not only I love it, but it clears my head too. When you move by bike you are able to take in air, which I like a lot. On the other hand, whenever the weather is good enough for me to take my bike, I don’t pollute. I have taken that into account too. In addition, I am able to save a little money. I’d say those are the main reasons.

Cycling could sometimes be a hard hobby since it is a very demanding sport. Have you always liked it? Or did you start to develop a liking for this sport at an older age?

I have always used the bike, since I was bought one when I was younger. Some times more, others less, but I always try to go everywhere (even Bilbo) by bike.

Taking the bike almost everyday must have had a great impact on your body and health. Do you feel better or more active now that you are doing sport more often?

Well, now the cyclical doesn’t ask me for such a big effort, since I had installed an electric motor in it so I wouldn’t sweat when going up towards the high school. But it’s no lie that it helps a lot in clearing one’s mind. The trip clears my mind and by the time I reach the high school I am more relaxed.

To end our final doubts about sport and health: do you do any other activity apart from cycling?

I have always practiced some kind of sport. I have been climbing for a long time and I try to go some weekends to practice more; and I started boxing last year and during the week I try to go two days at least to the gym to do some sport. But it’s enough with that for me, I don’t want to reach competitive levels.

Thanks for that now, if you don't mind, shall we start with the environment related questions?

Sure, go ahead.

Either directly or indirectly you find yourself surrounded by the environmental world, and even contributing to its causes. Was there a certain problem that concerned you the most and pushed you to make this decision?

Well, last years in general and this last summer have been really hot, which really concerns me, mainly because of the quick pace these climate and temperature changes are starting to develop. Plastic has a big impact on this and the oceans are filled with plastic too. That’s why I am worried about the environment and the situation we are in. I do whatever I can whenever it is possible to. Even if it is a little, a lot of littles make a greater good.

All of us are aware of the recent problems we are facing, such as global warming. Now, after you have experienced one of the hottest summers ever recorded in the Basque Country, would you say you are worried about the situation?

Yeah well, I think I have answered something similar before, maybe I haven’t fully understood the question before but yes, I am really concerned about the situation and a lot of people are too. Actually, it is cause for concern. Mainly, we have to take into account the world we want to leave you young people, because we already have lived our years but we have to be careful with the planet we are leaving to the youngsters: filled with plastic and damaged.

People say extreme situations need extreme answers, but we may have taken this statement too far. During the last years more and more footage has appeared of public groups such as Greenpeace and Just Stop Oil which try to spread their ideas by boycotting events and sometimes doing vandalism. Do you believe this is the best way to do so? And what’s your opinion about this kind of activity?

Well, about Greenpeace and the actions they do, I think they are fine, violent sometimes as they are but it’s also important to make and echo. Apart from that, I think the most important thing is to work on awareness, especially in today's young people, to raise consciousness and to see if the older ones also become aware, since a lot of the think things like “for the time I have left in this world, why bother…” and they really don’t care about the planet they are leaving the youngsters

Related to the question before, what would you do to achieve the same goal?

What would I do? See, I’d especially work on awareness. Us teachers could take this challenge: not just teaching, but raising awareness among young people. Let the young people go home and think about the situation and the future and make their parents aware. And I’d do some more little actions too, such as recollecting bottle caps, recollecting plastic, recycling… and to try not to be consumists, although it is very hard in the society we live on.

Is there any suggestion you would like to make for the high school to improve at?

I’d promote the actions which are being done in the Agenda 30, as they are really important and have a great impact on our awareness, although later each person will do whatever they want.

Well, this has been all. Thank you for having us, Lander. You have been very helpful and we appreciate what you have done for us. It’s been a pleasure to be with you.

Thank you guys, really.

   November    2023


Elexalde school is celebrating the International Day of the Baque language and all the Elexalde students with the Polish and German students participated in traditional Basqe sports.

The Polish and German students because the Italian students learnt the day before participated of all the activities which were organised at school because of the celebration of this special day for us.

They danced typical Basque dances and they also practised typical Basque sports.

All of them they had a really good day and they enjoyed a lot.

   November    2023


All the Erasmus group from 3 ESO and 4 ESO as well as the Polish, German and Italian schools participated of the workshops ; creating acrostics on democracy and environment. The winner of the competition.

The students were organised in multilingual groups and after the explanation given by the coordinator on how to create an acrostic, they started designing theirs.

At the end of the workshop , there was a competition and the best one was chosen.

   November    2023


All the Erasmus group from 3 ESO and 4 ESO as well as the Polish, German and Italian schools visited the mayor of Galdakao .

We explained the project to the major of Galdakao as well as we informed him about our mobility planning for those days,

The mayor talked about our Basque identity as a unique but different from other cultures, not woese or better. He also explained to all of us the importance of our language . 

A Polish student also asked the mayor some questions about how Galdakao town recycled and the steps the town was doing in order to be a sustainable town. 

   November    2023


Our student from 3 DBH through an eco tour explained the differen tways Elexalde school recycles and invited them to the eco corner.

Welcome to our "Green Tour"! Our first stop is this area, where you will see five different bins specifically designated for recycling. The yellow bin is for plastic, the blue one for paper, the green one for glass, (glass can be recycled without losing its quality, making it an environmentally-friendly material).

The  orange for oil, and the gray bin is for all other waste that cannot be recycled. So it goes to the garbage dump, they put all the rubbish in a valley, between two mountains and once is full they cover the hole with land; but when that is done, they have to find another place for that rubbish so that’s why we have to try to put as little rubbish as we can to this rubbish bin and It's very important to use these bins correctly.

Next, we will visit the Txoko Berdea, or "Green Spot". Here, you will find different surveys conducted by students. Additionally, various rubbish bins for items such as bottle caps, dead batteries, empty pens, and collected papers are recycled by classes every month. This exemplifies the importance of recycling various materials, even those that are not commonly recycled. This promotes a more comprehensive approach to recycling and waste management.

The students also organize occasional schoolyard cleanups to remove plastic waste;The schoolyard cleanups organized by students, serve as practical actions to address the issue of plastic waste. Removing plastic waste from the environment helps protect ecosystems while raising awareness about the impact of single-use plastics.

Moving on, we arrive at the Umore Berdea, or "Green Humor" area, where the best ironic jokes related to the environment are showcased. This area adds a fun element to environmental awareness. Humor can be a powerful tool in encouraging people to think critically about environmental issues and their own actions.

Lastly, we will visit Stop Plastiko, which is a place where we put different campaigns. This campaign for example it’s about reducing plastic and was made here two years ago. The Stop Plastiko campaign highlights the importance of reducing plastic consumption because plastic pollution is a significant issue, and campaigns like this serve as reminders to make choices that contribute to reducing plastic waste.

Now, let's reflect on what we have learned today. Every small effort, such as using the correct recycling bins, participating in surveys and cleanups, and promoting awareness through humor, contributes to preserving our planet for future generations. Remember, together we can make a difference and create a better future. 

Thank you for listening and I hope you feel inspired to take action towards a greener world.

   November    2023


Our cordinator of the project delivered an speech to welcome the Polish, Germand and Italian school 

Good morning everyone!

It is for us a really great pleasure and a huge joy to welcome our Erasmus+ partners from Tesla Schule Berlin,Szkoła Podstawowa  Warsaw  and Mattei instituto Caserna Italy to our Elexalde high school.

As you can see we are all together in this breathtaking landscape  surrounded by some Basque mountains Upo, Gorbea, Oiz protected by our Andra Mari church.

First of all, I would like to thank all the coordinators and all the teachers from all the schools who have been working hard in the distance and in presence in our project.  My colleagues who support me, the school board, the headmistress, the parents and last but not least, all of you for your enthusiasm, hard work, effort and cooperation.

At the beginning of the school year a student asked me where the word "Erasmus" really comes from. The word "Erasmus" has its origin in a proper name: Desiderius Erasmus Rotterodamus, better known as Erasmus of Rotterdam.

Erasmus of Rotterdam was one of the most important humanists and theologists of the Renaissance and went down in history as one of the first "travelers of knowledge."

Erasmus of Rotterdam was remembered and recorded in history as "the first citizen of Europe", a lover of freedom and freethinking and a defender of the need to interact with other people to enrich thinking.

In this way, "erasmus" word recreates the philosophy of a restless man who fought until the end of his days to create ties of friendship and knowledge between people from other countries and promote a continent free of borders.

That is precisely what all of us have learned in our Erasmus, to open our schools to Europe, to be active European citizens willing to recycle and take care of the environment, to respect different cultures and identities. To be aware of what is different about each of us but also everything we have in common because difference is essential. We have improved our level of English and used it to communicate among us, we have gained personal autonomy, worked as a team and shared different points of view with students from different schools  in Europe.

We have also discovered that although we  come from different countries and speak different languages, our hearts beat as one.

We have built future bridges of brotherhood and peace.

As you know, the Elexalde highschool carried out an Erasmus project with a Greek school in Katerini Greece and at the end of the project we asked the parents, teachers and students who participated in it three words to define their participation in the project and these were some of their words :

friendship, discovery, happiness, creativity, illusion, enthusiasm, eagerness, hospitality, unique, hard work, unforgetful, sharing, interesting, funny, teamwork, enriching and welcoming.

That is what after your mobility in the Basque country, we would like you to be able to keep at least some of these words in your mind and take them with you when coming back to your countries.

When I meet my students from the first Erasmus project who are now at university, I feel very excited, happy and proud when they tell me that they continue to have contact with the Greek students they met and lived with them for a week. Even some of them have seen each other again.

So I hope that all of you can also continue to have contact, and see each other again here in the Basque Country or in another country in Europe.

To finish, I wish you an amazing , pleasant and unique mobility in the Basque Country ,have fun, learn as much as possible, make really good friends and remember

" Once Erasmus, Erasmus forever"

Thank you to all of you for being with us  these unforgetful days and sharing your experience.

Ongi etorri Ekexalde ikastetxera

Welcome to Elexalde school

Bienvenidos a Elexalde

Willkommen bei Elexalde

Benvenuti a Elexalde

Witamy w Elexalde

   November    2023


Our partners from Poland , Germany and Italy are welcomed with an aurresku  danced by our students from 4 DBH and 1 Batx.

An aurresku is a Basque dance, solemn and elegant, that is performing as a way of honouring imortant people. We danced honouring our partners.

   November    2023


Our Erasmus students prepared all the murals of the project  to welcome the Polish, German and Italian students.

Not only the students of Hedatze from 3 DBH but also the students from 1st bachiller helped in the preparation of the murals.

   November    2023


Our students of second of bachiller within the Erasmus project they are given a lecture about the Solidarity European Corps. They showed a lot of interest.

A volunteer from Italy through Bizkaia had the opportunity to know  how the programme Solidarity European Corps works and they were also given explanaitions of how to apply to it in case they were interested before getting to university or in any moment of their lives ( between 18-30) . They showed them where they could find different projects or any kind of imformation related to it.

Students were really interested and some of them shared emails with the Italian volunteer to keep in contact . 

   November    2023


 The new Erasmus + from 3 ESO is discussing how to organise the gymkana they will carry out for the Polish, German and Italian students.

   November    2023


 Our students are preparing a welcome mural. In a month we will host the Polish, German and Italian students , They are so excited about it.

the s

 October   2023

We are waiting  for you!!!!

Everything is almost ready  for the visit of the students of the project 2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 within our  Acreditation  

 Ongi etorri Elexalde ikastetxera!!!  

Welcome to our school!!!

Tesla School from Berlin,   School from Warsaw , from Caserta Italy and Elexalde School Basque Country will meet from the 26th November to 2nd December 2023.  A week of  environmental awareness, Europen citizen active  participations with workshops and visits to Urdaibai, Gernika,  Bilbo Gughemgeim , Old Quaters. Our Galdakao mayor will also  give us a warm welcome.  Elexalde school and our guess all together will celebrate the Basque Language Day .

We will strengthen friendships and share unforgettable experiences.

   October   2023

New Erasmus group for our project  project 2023-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000114567 All of them are full of enthusiasm and ready to start this unique experience and work hard to learn to be European citizens andacquire healthy eating habits.

   October   2023


Agenda 2030 

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away "

We are diswtribuiting applesw among our students in their break to raise awareness about helathy eating habits 

This initiative aims at raising awareness among Elexalde students about the importance of incorporating healthy eating habits into their lives.

The responsible of the canteen in our school in the breaks twice or even more brings a box of apples  opr any seasonal fruit so that our students can pick up one . 

   October   2023


Our student Olatz Villamayor was selected in the Regional Selection Conference in the Basque Coubt and she had the opportunity to live one  of the most memorabe events in EYP the National Selection Conference in Marbella.

The Na tional Selection Conference had a duration of 6 days where delegates debated and proposed solutions to actual problems concerning the European Union.  

Two days of committee´s work and two days of General assembly, which took place in the Congress Palace of Marbella.

Our student and the rest of students from different regions of Spain worked a lot during those days. but the best of all was making lifelong friendships and enjoying this unique opportunity that helped all of them acquire crucial skills for the future. 

Our student also gathered with youngers from all over Europe and from various nationalities: people from Germany, Britain, Hungray. Some of them were already in collage studying careers like law, politics... so that made the level be really high.

Delegates selected by the jury in the National Selection Conference will have the opportunity to represent our nation committee in International Session.

   October   2023

At the end of October after fifteen months of enthusiasm and hard work,  we will submit our project  2022-1-ES01-K121-SCH-000059444 


In our project projecto 2022-1-ESO1-K121-SCH-000059444

four schools from Europe a Polish, Germand and Serbian school collaborated together to carry out two students mobilities and a job shadowing  as well as a wage range of activities , which are shared on the project website and on the Erasmus platform of results within a multilingual environment. Elexalde students came into contact with different cultures in a playful way and develop their intercultural awareness.

They also learnt to be active citizens, and acquired sustainability habits.

Teachers of Elexalde also improved their teaching methodologies and their experience in  the polish school in Warsaw has started to be putting it into practise in their professional daily life.

It was a unique experience for both teachers and students,  

June  2023


Job shadowing in Warsaw a unique opportunity two teachers at Elexalde school to observe the way Polish school and to be implemented in our school.


During our staying in Szkola Podstawowa nr 365 in Warsaw, the teachers in charge of carrying out the Job Shadowing had the opportunity to observe the work dynamics of the individual classes of various subjects, Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physical education. We also saw a performance of a sketch about the history of democracy and  the celebration of an important day for the school such as Children's Day.

We carried out interviews with members of the teaching Staff in order to find out relevant aspects regarding the curriculum of the subjects, the characteristics of their educational system, their study plans and the working of the school.

We were warmly welcome by the coordinator of the project Renata Kaprika who was our host during our staying in Warsaw.

Szkola Podstawowa is a primary school of about 400 students and it gives classes to students from 6 to 14 years old.

It is important for us to underline that  although we are talking about a primary school and our school is a secondary school,

We  learnt about class management.

Apart from attending  lessons which correspond to our 1, 2 and 3 dbh, we also attended lessons which were aimed at young children because as we have mentioned before the school is a primary school and have students from 7 to 14.

The job shadowing was an enriching  experience for us, as they worked their subjects using projects,  and this was one of the topics we were interested in and asked the Polish school to organise before going there. We could observe working in teams using different strategies to organise them, taking decisions and creative original projects in different subjects, active learning. 

May   2023


Agenda 2023 

Breakfast and learning: why the morning meal is important. Creating healthy habits in our students .Do you have a good breakfast? 


The reason of it is because we tried to raise awareness among students of the first year of secondary school about the importance of breakfast, taking into account that it provides students with the necessary energy to start the day and will also nourish our body after many hours without eating.

The benefits of a good breakfast for students: stimulates concentration and improves performance. The secondary school students should learn how a healthy breakfast should be and the reasons of it. With this question we aimed  at promoting appropriate habits.

It is known that the lack of breakfast or not eating it properly influences the physical state of our students. They are more tired and depressed.

Psychologically , they are more irritated, and they also have a greater lack of concentration and a bad mood.

Regarding the medical problems that may arise, there are low blood sugar and dizziness….

The capacity for expression, memory, creativity and problem solving are particularly affected by the lack of breakfast.

Therefore,  all this has an impact on the academic results of the students.

As we can see on the table

Students had to answer to that question ion, according to it ,

1. Well, fruit, dairy products and cereals.

2. Improve: only two

Fruit and dairy productd

Fruit and cereals

Daily products and cereals

3. Poor only  one ( only fruit, only daily products and only cereals)

4. Bad he/ she doesn't have breakfast

mutilak= boys

neskak,= girls

Nahastea Mixture

Orokorra In general

83% has breakfast every day 78% are girls and 88% boys. Considering the ones who have breakfast 9% 

April  2023


Commemoration of the 86th anniversary of the bombing of Galdakao, with a call  not to lose  the historical memory. A people cannot forget its history to look tat  the future from today.


Today it is commemorated the 86th anniversary of the bombardment of Galdakao by fascist troops; Between April and June 1937, the fascists killed 40 citizens in Galdakao, the majority using air-dropped bombs. There were 28 bombardments that took place in our town, one of them happened a day as today being the bloodiest, the one that caused the most deaths

A bomb was thrown into the shelter that housed the civilian population in Plazakoetxe and 16 citizens were killed.

The tribute  ended with a floral offering, looking at the present and the future.  The Major of Galdakao Uñigo Hernando, on behalf of the town, placed a bouquet of flowers on the monolith that remembers the victims of that bombing and each family member put a flower. Next, citizens and participants  added flowers to the monolith; among them, councilors from all the political groups of the Galdakao City Council.  

April  2023


Without Diversity, There Is No Democracy

Today 17th April 2023 , we have  celebrated The International Day against LGTBI-phobia .

Aniztasunerako askeak eskubideetarako berdinak

Without Diversity, There Is No Democracy

Human rights are universal. All people have the same rights without any distinction. According to the UN, States have a legal obligation to promote and protect the human rights of all people without discrimination.

Our students have celebrated this day through the creation of banners which have been displayed at school to visualise the discrimination LGTBI people  still suffer from.

On May 17, 1990, the WHO removed homosexuality from its list of 'diseases'. Since 2004, the International Day against LGTBI-phobia has been celebrated. Although Spain is a benchmark in the defense of LGTBI rights, there is still a lot to be done, both in our country and in others. It must be remembered that, today, people are still persecuted and murdered because of their sexual orientation, and in Spain the harassment of this group is constant: in fact, close to 90% of LGTBI adolescents have suffered bullying at school and they continue to suffer, not to mention that discrimination continues in the streets, homes and jobs.  

April  2023


After 4:00 p.m the attack against Gernika began . The operation had been planned for days, but it was on April 26th 1937 all the  anti-aircraft alerts  started to sound.

The  people from.Gernika twho were in the streets , looked terrified at numerous planes in the area. The first bombardment was carried out by the Nazis and the Italian fascists. it  was intended to prevent the withdrawal of the Republican troops from Gernika, cutting off the road and the access bridge. Minutes later, the intensity of the offensive increased, reaching the point of dropping a hugev number of bombs, including both explosive and incendiary devices.  Not only that, there were also multiple machine gun attacks against the civilian population. Around 8:00 p.m, the alarms stopped ringing.

" We were under two trees from four to eight. We were in the water for four hours. We didn't feel cold, we were afraid," said Andone, who was the only minor to save her life during this massacre.

There are many, many memories of those who at a very young age learned to identify the sound of aircraft prepared to attempt against life indiscriminately: "My mother died as a result of the bombing of Gernika. I was born there and resurrected there. Thanks to my father, otherwise we would have died there." 

April 2023


Polish students shew how to  make a traditional Polish  dish Gołąbki step by step. They did it to celebrate  Erasmus Day as well as to promote Polish  school Szkola Podstawowa nr 365  .

April  2023


Olivia and Magda two Polish student presented us Szkola Podstawowa nr 365 of Warsaw . They approached us to their school so that we could know it better.

April  2023


Polish students created a video after their first mobility at Tesla school in Berlin. They shared with us through this video  their impressions and their experience .

April  2023


Our students met Serbian, German and Polish students at Szkola Podstawowa nr 365 in Warsaw Poland from March 26th  to 1st April 2023  in the second mobility of the project.

Our students arrived on Sunday and they met their Polish families with whom they lived for seven days, learning about Polish culture.

On the second day all the students from Warsaw, Berlin and Serbia broke the ice and socialized with sport activities, then they were guided by Polish students around school and surroundings.

They all together celebrated Erasmus Day and tasted typical food from different countries. There was an exhibition of lapbooks about different types of democracy prepared by Polish students.

On the third day, they had a democracy guide tour around Warsaw in which they visited

places connected with the history of Polish democracy ( The Royal Castle, The Old Town, Łazienki Królewskie – park).

On the fourth day , they met a representative of local council and discussed about local democracy and Polish citizens’ projects.

They also participated of a presentation of a real-life citizens’ project already created by the Polish student who is a member of the Youth Local Council.

There were workshops in which our international teams created projects alike the one presented. There was a  planning of  activities: building teams, choosing the subjects of the projects and ways of presenting them to the public.

Students also did a trip to Copernicus Science Centre to get ideas for their project.

On the fifth day , students had workshops in Wednesday-prepared teams. Each team produced a product - a model with the usage of waste materials like cardboard, plastic bottles, cloth, etc. They also prepared a computer presentation and a poster for Friday presentation.

Then they had a trip to Wilanow Palace and cooking workshops with lunch.

On the sixth day, all students celebrated Democracy Day: there were presentation of sketches portraying the history of European democracy prepared by Polish students.

There was a manifesto of students against breaking democracy.

The students' projects were displayed and voted the first project.

The mobility ended with a closing event: bowling and shuffleboard.

The last day was saying goodbye to the Polish families and a see you in the Basque Country. 

March  2023


Our student Olatz Villamayor was selected to represent our school at the Regional Session EYPE n Bilbao, in the 18th National Session of EYP España in Marbella. 

The schools and students selected at the Regional Session of the EYPE held in Bilbao to take part in the 18th National Session of EYP Spain in Marbella are:

The English School of Asturias

-Carlota Fernandez Escudero

-Jaime Fernandez-Trabadelo

-Carlota Piney

Individual delegates

-Ainhoa Rey (SanJoséJesuitak Ikastetxea)

-Izaro Rioja (Lauaxeta Ikastola)

-Laura Saiz (IES Botikazar BHI)

-Olatz Villamayor (IES Elexalde BHI) 

The Jury has taken into account several aspects to select the schools and the students which are going to participate in Marbella 2023– The 18th National Selection Conference of EYP España.

1.Motivation and Participation

2.Evolution and Personal Development

3.Open mindedness and Cooperation

4.Delegates representing EYP España in sessions abroad, or the RSC at the National Selection Conference, require a good level of English that allows them to express themselves correctly and fluently.

5.The Jury must evaluate the delegatesʼ understanding of current political and social structures of their environment.

6.  Knowledge about European institutions, history, competences and activity is highly valued. Delegates are meant to have conveyed research prior to the session and have informed themselves on their topic, toward the well-functioning of Committee Work. 

March  2023


Bilbao Regional Selection Conferences RSC 2023. Two students of 4DBH and 3 students from Batxiller represented our school in The European Youth Parliament EYP.

The European Youth Parliament ( EYP) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to address the needs of young people in Europe. EYP facilitates the acquisition of social and political skills that are crucial to their futures and encorages young people to think critically and independently. It is now one of the largest platforms in Europe for political debate, international meetings, education, and young people´s ideas exchange.

Our students met in Bilbao  Konekta- La Perrera and BBK Kuna for the Teambuilding, Comitte Work and General Assembly.

The schools which participated were :

Lauaxeta ikastola, Lauro ikastola, San Jose Jesuitak Durango, Uribarri BHI,  Botikazahar BHI, the English School of Asturias,  Ayalde ikastetxea and Elexalde BHI.

During the first day, students broke the ice and got to know each other , playing different types of games.

On the second day,  students were divided between different committees. These committees had a subject on the agenda and they had to agree on a resolution that they would present later in the general assembly .

The subjects our students had were:

Women´s rights And Gender Equality

Industry  , Research and Energy

Envirotment, Pubic Health and Food Safety.

International Market and Consumer Protection.

Culture And Education.

Envirotment, Public Health And Food Safety 

The last day the  General Assebly took place. There were seven different debates . All finished with the Closing Ceremony.

Resolution booklet 

March  2023


Before the second mobility  to Warsaw , the students who participated in it had some conversations in English to practice it before meeting the families.

The students  practiced conversations related to topics which facilitated their relations. Topics such as hobbies, family,  town, school, participation in the project, routines, friends.

The aim of the activity is to make feel students confident when they had to use English. 

March  2023


Students from 3 DBH got their first approach to European Solidarity Corps . They learnt what it is aimed at , its principles and the good opportunity for them to take part in the future.

Today one of our Erasnus students' mother who worked as volunteer came to explain to us what the programme European Solidarity Corps meant. It  is an EU funding programme for young people to encorage them to work in  solidary activities as well as contributing to health and envirotmental action in the EU.

It is a good opportunity for young people from 18 to 30 years old to help vulnerable people and help build a more inclusive society.  It is an experience which ispires and empowers young people to learn and develop themselves personally.

Participants can volunteer abroad or in their own country  in areas which cover social inclusion, envirotment and culture.

Volunteering can be individual or teams who volunteer for a period of time. 

As the programme is more focused on bachiller students, the coordinator of the project explained to the students of bachiller.

Copia de VID_20230314_132221.mp4

March  2023


Presentations of the Geniallys created by students before their second mobility to Warsaw to the 3 DBH ( ESO) class. The geniallys are about  the history and culture of Poland.

one of the seven students who participated in Warsow explained to the class of 3 DBH ( ESO) the genially  which she created about two important historical characters of Poland, Marie Curie and Fréderic  Chopin. 

The seven students did their presentations in front of their classes.

March 2023


March 8th the fight for the construction of a society more equal. Feminism is the alternative. Ride the purple wave!!! Our students  prepared some activities to protest this day.

We are dealing with the topic of democracy in our project so we celebrated March 8 as a continuation of the fight for the construction of a society more equal.

Without equality between women and men and without the full participation of women, there will be no full democracy. When women's rights are attacked, the entire society loses. If we advance in rights and freedoms, society as a whole wins. This is the first step to be able to build any collective project of social transformation. It has to bring us a plural and diverse society, but with equal opportunities.

We cannot deny the progress for women in fields such as legal, educational, political or professional, but we still have to keep on fighting for the construction of a society more equal, more democratic.

There is still a lot to be done in terms of equality,  there is still a long way to go to achieve total equality.

It is necessary to defend and maintain acquired conquests and continue promoting actions that make effective the right to decide, among other aspects, effective protection against gender violence, equality in employment, equal pay, and the right to conciliation, in definitively, the effective equality of women and men.

Our students designed a big mural  and they placed some post-its in which they reflected on women's rights and lack of equality with men.

Some of these messages were :

The best protection a woman can have is courage.

Women are power

Equality is very important for a good democracy

Women are the best

Pink Power always up

At school, there has also been a photocol with the slogan:

Feminism is the alternative

Ride the purple wave!!!

and students sent messages in a bottle honoring a woman who is part of their lives. Some of them chose their mothers, grandmothers, friends, sisters , teachers , any woman.

They wrote three notorious characteristics of them and a sentence in which they thanked them for all.  

February 2023


Our Polish partners show us their noticeboard to share with them  their impressions on the first mobility in Berlin in October 2022

The information presented on the noticeboard was made by the parti

February 2023


Students visit the exhibition Refugees Today . In this exhibition we can learn thereasons  of refugees to leave their countries and the problems they face when they reach their destinations.

This is the report prepared by students on the exhibition . They edited on a video  on it.

Exhibition Refugees Today

We are presenting you the exhibition Refugees today. As you know Ibrahima a refugee came to our school to tell us his experience. You can follow it through our podcasts. 

Today we will guide you through the exhibition .Through this exhibition we propose you to learn about the causes of migration. See with a glance at the photos of  emigrants, refugees, women, men and children who have to leave their countries, their culture, their families and start a new life in a different country.

Why do people move to another country?

Through this exhibition, we will discover the different reasons for refugees to start this long trip.

They flee from conflictive places, attacks, wars, organized groups, kidnappings.

They are forced to leave their homes for environmental reasons, pollution, typhoons. 

Climate change is and will be an influential factor because in the coming decades there will be thousands of people who will have to leave their countries in search of a place to live.

They are forced to leave their land because their land has been occupied and their working conditions are very poor. Besides, they are almost treated as slaves. 

They cannot build a dignified life receiving education or health services and having job opportunities. 

They are harassed for their sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, political persecution, lack of freedom and expression and organization.

Women have no rights for being women, they are force to marry. They suffer from sexist violence, kidnappings, lack of training, rape. 

Regarding migratory itineraries. 

They are increasingly forced to use more dangerous routes, the so-called Death Routes, Niger desert, Sonara desert, Canary Islands. Borders that are a space for impunity Tarajal, Libya, Balkans .

They deserve the right to have rights. The right of each individual to belong to humanity should be guaranteed by humanity itself.

 Another of their claims is Paper for all. That is , refugees claim a regulation that guarantees full rights to all, as the rest of the people who inhabit the territories, including the regulation of deportations so that they could develop as citizens, without fear of being deported.

Women suffer from sexual exploitation. Refugees have no roof or shelter. It is very important ctizen welcome. Welcome is an open door for all refugees . But they also complain about labor irregularity by the immigration law.

The planet earth belongs to all of us . We have  to create relationships of solidarity among all people and build a rich and diverse coexistence.

January  2023


In our Erasmus plan  we are going to work our and our partners´ Historical Memory . Today, once again, comes the time for essential human choices. 78th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

Today, on January 27, a group of 18 Auschwitz and Holocaust Survivors met at the former Auschwitz camp to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the liberation of this German Nazi concentration and extermination camp. The event was held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

The main theme of the anniversary was the process of planning, creating and expanding the system of dehumanisation and genocide at Auschwitz, which was particularly strongly defined by the words of survivor Marian Turski 'Auschwitz did not fall from the sky'.

The witnesses of history were accompanied, among others, by Minister Wojciech Kolarski from the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland and other representatives of state authorities from Poland, the Second Gentleman of the United States Douglas Emhoff, the Minister of Culture of Slovenia Asta Vrečko, the Secretary of State for Veterans' affairs and Memory from France Patricia Mirallès, ambassadors and diplomats, representatives of the clergy, regional authorities, local governments, employees of museums and memorial sites.

While the function of Auschwitz as an extermination center was taking shape in 1942, in 1943 the scale of operation became industrial. In the spring of that year, the Germans completed the construction of four installations at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, which included gas chambers and modern facilities for cremating corpses.

January  2023


Students edited a video to present our partners  our school and their towns Galdakao and Usansolo  . They were guides through al the different spaces of the school and towns

January  2023


Students reflect on Ibrahima´s story. Ibrahima´s story is also the story of many refugees andstudents learnt about how hard is to leave a country, family, culture.

 Students listened to Ibrahima´s story. They prepared different activities related to it. They edited three videos on his story , a poster with all the pictures of the group with Ibrahima, four podcasts telling all his story and experience, a video with students´s reflections on it 

January  2023


What do students expect of the project?  These expectations wil be assessed  at the end of it and students will see whether their expectations were fullfiled

Students wrote their expectations on a padlet. The students of the Erasmus group look at the objectives from Erasmus plan and express what they would like to learn with the project.

At the end they will be given another padlet to see what they had achieved with the project.

Ibrahima's story

January  2023


Throught history , there have been many causes of people who have been forced to leave their homeland, in order to escape persecution, war or revolution. These people are refugees

Democracy in classical Greece is worked on the Community Project subject. Democracy in Greece was a model democracy in many aspects. It was a cultured society. But there were also cotradictions. Slaves, foreigners and women were treated apart. 

In our welfare society , model Europe all immigrants are left without basic rights.  A million centuries have passed and we continue to see first and second class citizens.

Our students reflected on this and they had a refugeee to talk about his experience. This refugee Ibrahima comes from Guinea- Conakrykoa and has been living in Europe for five years.

He started explaining to  our students the situation of his country to understand why he had to leave it

In his country there is no coexistance nor security. People organize themselves into small groups to fight for their rights because the government did not garantee them. 

Ibrahima`s words 

" We fought for our safety. Every time there were demostrations people  were killed. Rights were constantly violated. They entered the houses and took everything out. Young people wanted changes and began to demostrate. "

" Integration in another country is very difficult"

" I hope to return to my country and fight"

" I miss my mother and my brother"

How can we help? an student asked

"At the political level laws should be fulfilled. Administrtively it is difficult. Migration is a right"

" We have created a group called Biscay Regularization , we are requesting signatures to regulate the situation of many refugees"

" In my country it is happening the same thing that happened when I left. On December 5th, 2021 there was another military coup. My people have been suffering for 10 years.

You can follow Ibrahima´s story throughh students´podcasts

December 2022


Recognision  to IES Elexalde BHI Acreditation 2022-27 by the Basque Government at the presentation  days of Erasmus+ projects 2023 on 16th December 2022

On Friday 19 December 2022 the conference "Erasmus+ 2022. Opening windows to Europe", organised by the Department of Education. The meeting brought together more than 110 educational schools from the Basque Country in La Bolsa building in the capital of Bizkaia and was attended by Amaia Agirre, Manager of Learning and Educational Innovation of the Basque Government.

As part of the event, the ERASMUS+ award recognisition was given to Elexalde BHI high school for its commitment under the 2022-26 Accreditation that has acquired within its European strategy for the next 5 years. 

"Undoubtedly, the accreditation you have achieved is the result of hard work, the result of enormous efforts every day, so we congratulate you for opening the windows of your school to Europe and for highlighting the importance of internationalising in our education system by doing it with us.

Together, our goal is to form the Erasmus+ family of Euskadi, and we will continue to water and nurture the seed sown last Friday to achieve the biggest and healthiest trees possible."

Basque Goverment 

December 2022


IES Elexalde BHI students met he major of Galdakao and decided about a more sustainable 2030 Galdakao . They took decisions about the use of bicycles and open areas for youngers.

They assessed a new model mobility  with the use of bicycles. They also gave their opinion and evaluate another points of the project presented by the townhall.


December 2022


IES Elexalde BHI students met the major of Galdakao to let him know about the Acreditation 2022-27 Elexalde high school received and explained to him what the Erasmus + Accreditation meant

We also explained to the major the objectives we had to fullfil during the five years of the Accreditation. We also explained to him  the voluntarism students did in the subject Project for Community in order to perform a big role as being active citizens. 

The major was also informed about the first mobility students did in Berlin. They explained to him the type of activities they carried out. 

There was a conversation with the major about how the system of democracy works in Galdakao and the major invited them to participate in taking decisions to improve Galdakao .  They met him the next day to take action.

November 2022


After six days in  Berlin, students came back with their suitcases full of experiences, new friends from Poland, German and Serbia, lessons learnt on democracy  and active citizenship and they improved their English.

On Thursday students learnt the importance  of protests in the democracy system. Citizens claimed their rights through them and realised  how another people shared the same ideas . They organised protests on  current topics they previously prepared such as climate change, human rights, problems with inflation . They also did  their final speeches and they cooperated together. 

On Friday all the work they did during the week was shown to the rest of students at Tesla Schule.  Students also wrote their impressios about the experience they lived in Berlin. They went to a bowling not to say goodbye, just a see you later in Warsaw .

November 2022


Students from the four countries Poland, Serbia, Basque Country and Germany met in Berlin for the first mobility. They carried out different activities on democracy.  A new experience started, 

Our students with the Polish, Serbian and German students were working together on democracy issues, got in contact with German culture, improved their level of English and developed themselves personally.

The mobility started on 20th November.  Students arrived in Berlin on Sunday. The first thing they did until they met the Polish and Serbian students was visiting a Christmas market. This is an important Christmas tradition in Berlin, where you can find different original Christmas markets everywhere around the city.

Later, they arrived at the hostel and started their first contact with the other Polish and Serbian students.

On the second day , after the warm welcome given by the German guest teachers, they broke the ice with some table games. They had a typical German lunch and they were guided by German students to know the school and the surroundings which had an important meaning in German students' daily lives.

In the afternoon they visited and learnt about  the historical importance of the fall of the Wall  in the democratic German future.

They  also spent their evening with the Serbian students visiting another Christmas market and Alesanderplatz at night.

The third day of the mobility was aimed at working democracy. Students participated in a "Gemeinschaftsschule" where students discussed class issues and made decisions on matters which concerned them in a quiet and democratic way. Teachers didn't participate in it.  A good lesson on how they without teachers' presence  can  make decisions and discuss their concerned matters. They saw  democratic participation in Berlin schools

Then there were six mixed round tables to  discuss about topics such as freedoom of assembly, equality, black lives, Iranian protests, song protests, Fridays for future, antiwar protests, street art protests.      

Mixed organized groups  had all kinds of materials , computers, hashtags,  lyrics of songs to perform the activity in a very correct way . The teachers from the different countries guided them.

Students learnt protest forms to develop a democratic system

After it, they attended extra curriculum classes on anima, filming, and football.

In the evening they visited with the Serbian students Checkpoint Charlie , A Memory of the Cold War .

These three days taught them to work together with students from other European  countries  democratically and how being active citizens is possible starting from their school classes.

On Thursday they learnt to claim their rights and they organised demostrations and protests on current matters .

On Friday they showed their works and assessed their mobility.

November 2022


Ready to learn some words of German and practise with German students .  At the same time students followed some courses on English so that they could feel more confident in their visit to Berlin.

The Latin teacher of the school who speaks German very well gave the students, who went to Berlin mobility, a short course on some words in German.

They learnt how to say their names, age, where they are from, the numbers of what they would like to drink. It was the first contact with the language.

Then they also had an English course in order to have conversations with the Serbian, Polish and German students. 

November 2022


Open Berlin through the padlets to all the students of 3 DBH so that they could participate the mobility and had a contact with the city of Berlin and the history of it. Begoña Ibarretxe presented to the class.

November 2022


The six students who participated in the first mobility in Berlin  prepared some padlets about different aspects of Berlin such as its parks, history, monuments  to share with the students of 3 DBH ( ESO) 

November 2022


The Independence Day of the Republic of Poland commemorates the recovery of Poland as an independent and souvereign country on 11/10 /1918 after 123 years of partitions and submission to Prussia, Rusia and Austria.

This date of September 11 became one of the most important national holidays in Poland from 1920.

During the Second World War and later, at the time of the People's Republic of Poland, its celebration was done clandestinely and from 1989, the National Independence Day became again a day of festive celebration. The main ceremony is held on Piłsudski Square and is attended by the highest state officials.

For many Polish people , it is a day to reflect on the history of their country and an opportunity to express their patriotic sentiment. Those who watch military parades wave flags, wear red and white hats with the word "Poland" written on them, and paint flags on children's faces.

Many Catholics attend mass celebrated for their country. Most Poles spend it in the company of friends and family, enjoying their day off.

November 2022


November 10th  Germany remembers the night of the broken glass, the progrom against the Jewish population that took place in the early hours of November  1983.  Many candles light the  Stolpersteine

On the night of November 9-10, 1938, the Nazi regime coordinated a wave of anti-Semitic violence in Nazi Germany, known as Kristallnacht or "the night of broken glass." The attack got its name because of the shattered store windows that littered the streets after the violence.

In the hours and days that followed, organized groups of Nazis wreaked havoc on the lives of Jews in Nazi Germany. Hundreds of synagogues were burnt. They vandalized thousands of Jewish businesses, breaking the windows of the storefronts. They caused damage to cemeteries and Jewish homes. Nazi leaders told the police and fire brigades to ignore the attacks. The police forces did not protect the Jews or their property. The fire brigades did not put out the synagogue fires. Hundreds of Jews died during Kristallnacht.

November 2022


Congratulations!! This is the log which represeneted the project. The logo was designed by the Polish school. It represented some buildings of the four countries .

In the first mobility of Berlin , each country brought the logo chosen in their country to represent the  project.  After taking into account the criteria established in the preparatory meeting in Berlin, all the teachers from the four countries decided that this was the logo which  represented the project better.

November 2022


Congratulations to Oier Alvaro  because their logo was chosen as the logo which represented Elexalde School. The four buildings identify the four countries

November 2022


Students started  creating the logo of the project. The four contries presented their logos and after that one of them was chosen to represent the project.

These are the different steps which were explained to the students to create the logo of the poject 

-Explain the plan Erasmus and the objectives which will have to be reflected on the logo.

-Look at example the logo of our last project " Discover and share your identity mark" so that students could understand better what a logo had to include and why.

- The Art teacher explains in a sheet the importance of a logo as a trading mark as well as how to design it and the different steps to take into account.

-Explain the competition rules and the criteria to choose one of them. 

-Set up a deadline which was established in the preparatory meeting in Berlin.

-Make pairs to carry out the activity.

-Share all the different students' ideas.

Development stage:

-With all the explanations given and after analysing the logo of our last project, students search for information of the four countries and schools which participate  and are partners of the project.

-They look for ideas, monuments, keys from the different schools or from the different countries, towns which identify them. 

- They also look at the schools webpages to get ideas for the elaboration of their logo.

- Decide how they will design it either by hand or using the computer.

- Start the elaboration of it using their computers or paint material.


After the elaboration of the logo. There will be a jury chosen democratically. This jury will consist of three teachers from the school including the Art teacher and the principal and three students from different school grades 1, 2 Batx  and 4 dbh( ESO)  who don't have connection with the groups which participate .

At the same time there will be gender parity.

There has been a criteria agreed before  to choose the logo  and according to it, they will choose two of them. After that first election , they will choose one.

There will be a record on the decision taken.

Then at the end of the process. All the four schools decided that the logo created by the Polish school was the best mark for the project.

October 2022


In this first preparatory meting,  the four schools which participated in the project worked on the different aspects of it such as the mobilities, the creation of a Twinspace .

We discussed our mobilities until the end of the school year and we decided:

20.11. - 26.11.: students' mobility in Berlin.

26.03. - 01.04.: students' mobility in Warsaw.

15.10 - 21.10.: students' mobility in Basque Country.

 We also decided the Basque  job shadowing that was  going to take place in Warsaw  this school year.

Besides, we planned the mobility of Berlin and discussed about the project and the type of activities based on democracy that would be arranged. We all visited the East Side Gallery and had some drinks .

October 2022


The coordinator of the project Gemma Gutierrez and the teacher Teresa Maldonado visited Berlin to meet the Polish, German and Serbian teachers .

The coordinator of the project Gemma Gutierrez and the teacher Teresa Maldonado visited Berlin to meet the Polish, German and Serbian teachers to start preparing the first mobiliy as well as to know the German school.

October 2022


Two teachers Alaia Saenz and Mikel Uriguena  who are involved in the project and teach in the project for the community had a course on gamification .

The workshop is learning from scratch, how to facilitate a project-based learning environment that encourages creativity and collaboration with Minecraft.

October 2022


The students who participated in the first mobility in Berlin, had a video conference to break the ice and they virtually got to know the Polish, German and Serbian students. 

KA121SCH Power presentation project 1

September 2022


Presentation of the project KA120-SCH to the School Staff and Board. The coordinator of the project insisted on the objectives of it and encouraged them to participate .

 This accreditation confirms that the applicant entity has established a PLAN to carry out high-quality mobility activities, for the good development of the School .

Objective 1 : Promote the process of internationalization of the school to continue advancing in the exchange of experiences with other European schools and carry out nobilities which will improve students learning. 

Objective 2 : Enhance the use of ICTs in the learning process in an active and inclusive way .

Objective 3 : Study the environment, observe landscape changes, determine the positive or negative effect our activity has on them, and express black spots in landscape conservation.

 Objective 4 : Research into ancient Greek democracy to understand the importance of participation and have a democratic attitude and to cultivate values such as cooperation, citizenship and volunteering.

 Objective 5 : Gain awareness of our Historical Memory reinforcing the democratic values and share the results of our project with our community school and partners. 

Objective 6 : Improve language competence in English as well as intercultural skills.

 Objective 7 : Make students responsible for their own learning. 

Volunteering in the subject of project for the community , the creation of the logo of the project

KA121SCH June 2022

September 2022


Presentation of the project  KA120-SCH  to parents. The coordinator of the project explained what the Acreditation achieved meant as well as the plan Erasmus.

The coordinator of the project started the presentation

Community project presentation

September 2022


Presentation of the project  for the comunity to students . The teacher in charge of it explained the objectives,  the contents and the sequence of the activities.

During the first term 
